Paarl Heights - Chenin Blanc

Paarl Heights - Chenin Blanc
South Africa > Coastal Region > Paarl white

Informations about the winery

Paul Boutinot
SK8 4DN Gatley, Cheshire
Contact : Phone | Fax
Email : contact the winery
Web :

Information about the wine details
The informations about the wines on CavusVinifera are entered by the users themselves, on a collaborative way. They can, sometimes, have some mistakes. The wines sheets are frequently reviewed and corrected by moderators.
If you see an error or want to create a new wine sheet, don't hesitate to contact us.

Wines from the same winery (3 wines in the database)

white Paarl Heights - Chenin Blanc
Paarl - white
red Paul Boutinot, Cuvée Jean-Paul
Vaucluse - red
red Procession
Vin de Pays d'Oc - red

Wines from the same area (23 wines in the database)

white Fairview, Viognier
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white Fairview, Chenin blanc
Paarl - white
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white Fairview - Chardonnay
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white Fairview - Oom Pagel Semillon
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white KWV - Chardonnay
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KWV International 7624 Suider Paarl South Africa
white Glen Carlou Chardonnay
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Glen Carlou 7625 Klapmuts
white Plaisir de Merle, Chardonnay
Paarl - white
Plaisir de Merle 7599 Stellenbosch
white Kleine Parys, Chenin Blanc
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Kleine Parys Vineyards 7624 Suider-Paarl
white Haute Cabrière - Chardonnay-Pinot Noir
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Achim von Arnim 7690Franschhoek 7690 Franschhoek, Paarl, South Africa
white Pierre Jpurdan - Tranquille
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Achim von Arnim 7690Franschhoek 7690 Franschhoek, Paarl, South Africa
white Boekenhoutskloof - Porcupine ridge - Sauvignon Blanc
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Boekenhoutskloof Winery 7690 Franschhoek
white Paarl Heights - Chenin Blanc
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white Rhebokskloof - Chardonnay
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white Bellingham - The Bernard Series - Grenache Blanc Viognier
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Bellingham Wines 7680 Groot Drakenstein
white Bellingham - The Bernard Series - Whole Bunch - Roussanne
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white Bellingham - Pear tree - Chenin
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