Cimarosa, Zinfandel

Cimarosa, Zinfandel
United States > California > California rose

Informations about the winery

Vineris GmbH
47447 Moers (Deutschland)
Contact : Phone | Fax
Email : contact the winery
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Information about the wine details
The informations about the wines on CavusVinifera are entered by the users themselves, on a collaborative way. They can, sometimes, have some mistakes. The wines sheets are frequently reviewed and corrected by moderators.
If you see an error or want to create a new wine sheet, don't hesitate to contact us.

Wines from the same winery (12 wines in the database)

red Cimarosa - Cabernet Sauvignon
Other appellation - red
red Cimarosa - Cabernet Sauvignon
Valle Central - red
red Cimarosa - Merlot
Valle Central - red
white Cimarosa, Chardonnay Colombard
Other appellation - white
white Cimarosa, Chardonnay Sauvignon Blanc
Valle Central - white
white Cimarosa, Chenin Blanc
Other appellation - white
red Cimarosa, Merlot
Other appellation - red
red Cimarosa, Merlot
Other appellation - red
red Cimarosa, Pinotage
Other appellation - red
rose Cimarosa, Zinfandel
California - rose
rose Vineris - Cimarosa
California - rose
white Vredebosch - Chardonnay-Colombard
Other appellation - white

Wines from the same area (14 wines in the database)

rose Eagle Creek, Zinfandel
California - rose
Peter Mertes KG 54470 Bernkastel-Kues
rose Baywood, Zinfandel
California - rose
St Catherine Weinhandels GmbH D-54470 Bernkastel-Kues
rose 3W - Zinfandel Rosé
California - rose
Reh Kendermann GmbH Weinkellerei 55411 Bingen
rose Baron Herzog - White Zinfandel
California - rose
Herzog Wine Cellars 93030 Oxnard, CA, U.S.A.
rose Gallo Family Vineyards Grenache
California - rose
E&J Gallo Winery CA-95353 Modesto (California)
rose Beringer - White Zinfandel
California - rose
Beringer Vineyards 94574 Santa Helena - CA - USA
rose Gallo Family Vineyards White Zinfandel
California - rose
E&J Gallo Winery CA-95353 Modesto (California)
rose Western Cellars Grenache
California - rose
Grands Chais de France 67290 Petersbach (Bas Rhin)
rose Cimarosa, Zinfandel
California - rose
Vineris GmbH 47447 Moers (Deutschland)
rose Round Hill
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Rutherford Hill Winery CA 94573 Rutherford
rose Ménage à trois
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Folie à Deux Winery CA94562 Oakville
rose Vineris - Cimarosa
California - rose
Vineris GmbH 47447 Moers - D -
rose Western Cellars Zinfandel
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Grands Chais de France 67290 Petersbach (Bas Rhin)
rose Barefoot, White Zinfandel
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Barefoot Cellars 95354 Modesto, California

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