Villa Wolf - Riesling

Villa Wolf - Riesling
Germany > Pfalz > Pfalz white

Informations about the winery

Weingut J.L. Wolf
67157 Wachenheim
Contact : Phone | Fax
Email : contact the winery
Web :

Information about the wine details
The informations about the wines on CavusVinifera are entered by the users themselves, on a collaborative way. They can, sometimes, have some mistakes. The wines sheets are frequently reviewed and corrected by moderators.
If you see an error or want to create a new wine sheet, don't hesitate to contact us.

Wines from the same winery (1 wines in the database)

white Villa Wolf - Riesling
Pfalz - white

Wines from the same area (15 wines in the database)

white Reichsrat von Buhl - Ungeheuer Forst
Pfalz - white
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white Müller-Catoir, Riesling Haardter Bürgergarten Spätlese
Pfalz - white
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white Anselmann, Riesling Classic
Pfalz - white
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white Ruppertsberger Riesling Trocken
Pfalz - white
Ruppertsberger Winzerverein Hoheburg 67152 Ruppertsberg
white Müller-Catoir - Haardt Kabinett Riesling trocken
Pfalz - white
Müller-Catoir 67433 Neustadt - DE
white Wachtenburg Winzer, Wachenheimer Schenkenböhl Chardonnay Spätlese
Pfalz - white
Wachtenburg Winzer 67157 Wachenheim
white JF Brems Gewurztraminer
Pfalz - white
JF Brems Gmbh 56856 Zell
white JF Brems Riesling
Pfalz - white
JF Brems Gmbh 56856 Zell
white Heinz Pfaffmann Scheurebe
Pfalz - white
Weingut Heinz Pfaffmann 76833 Walsheim / Pfalz
white Dr von Bassermann Jordan Rieslaner Auslese
Pfalz - white
Weingut Geheimer Rat Dr von Bassermann Jordan D-67146 Deidesheim
white Bassermann Jordan - Trocken Deidesheimer Mäushöhle - Riesling
Pfalz - white
Weingut Geheimer Rat Dr von Bassermann Jordan D-67146 Deidesheim
white Herxheimer Herrlich
Pfalz - white
Sommerauer Schlossbergkellerei 54470 Bernkastel-Kues
white Knipser - Grauburgunder Trocken
Pfalz - white
Weingut Knipser D-67229 Laumersheim/Pfalz
white Knipser - Mandelpfad Riesling Grosses Gewächs
Pfalz - white
Weingut Knipser D-67229 Laumersheim/Pfalz
white Friedrich Becker - Laisser Faire
Pfalz - white
Weingut Friedrich Becker 76889 Schweigen

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