Agricola Punica - Montessu

Agricola Punica - Montessu
Italy > Sardinia > Isola dei Nuraghi red

Informations about the winery

Agricola Punica S.p.a.
09010  Santadi
Contact : Phone | Fax
Email : contact the winery
Web :

Information about the wine details
The informations about the wines on CavusVinifera are entered by the users themselves, on a collaborative way. They can, sometimes, have some mistakes. The wines sheets are frequently reviewed and corrected by moderators.
If you see an error or want to create a new wine sheet, don't hesitate to contact us.

Wines from the same winery (1 wines in the database)

red Agricola Punica - Montessu
Isola dei Nuraghi - red

Wines from the same area (18 wines in the database)

red Argiolas - Korem
Isola dei Nuraghi - red
Argiolas Spa 09040 Serdiana (CA) Italie
red Argiolas - Is Solinas
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Cantine Argiolas 09040 Serdiana (CA) Italie
red Argiolas - Turriga
Isola dei Nuraghi - red
Argiolas 09040 Serdiana (CA) Italie
red Ajana
Isola dei Nuraghi - red
Ferruccio Deiana 09040 Settimo San Pietro, Italy
red Agricola Punica - Montessu
Isola dei Nuraghi - red
Agricola Punica S.p.a. 09010 Santadi
red Agricola Punica - Barrua
Isola dei Nuraghi - red
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red Cantina Dorgali, Tunila
Isola dei Nuraghi - red
Cantina Dorgali 08022 Dorgali
red Capichera - Mantenghja
Isola dei Nuraghi - red
Capichera 07021 Arzachena - Sardaigne - IT
red Argiolas - Iselis
Isola dei Nuraghi - red
Argiolas 09040 Serdiana (CA) Italie
red Surrau
Isola dei Nuraghi - red
Surrau srl 07021 Arzachena (OT)
red Malombra
Isola dei Nuraghi - red
Cantina Mesa 09010 Sant'Anna Arresi CI
red Panevino CCP
Isola dei Nuraghi - red
Azienda Panevino 0835 Nurri
red Cherchi - Cagnulari
Isola dei Nuraghi - red
Giovanni Cherchi 07049 Usini
red Pala - Essentija
Isola dei Nuraghi - red
Azienda Agricola Pala 09040 Serdiana
red Pala - Thesys
Isola dei Nuraghi - red
Azienda Agricola Pala 09040 Serdiana
red Baccu
Isola dei Nuraghi - red
Vini Baccu 09040 Barrali
red Pala - Silenzi
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Azienda Agricola Pala 09040 Serdiana
red Rosso di Contini
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Attilio Contini 09072 Cabras

Tasting notes

Some tasting notes have been written for this wine, click here to view them

youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar